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Ernest Shackleton | vintage poster
“The Shackleton Experience”
is extremely flexible and adaptable when it comes to timing, focus, objectives and outcomes. All seven leadership lessons contained within the piece can be customized in order to reflect specific learning objectives, initiatives, and direction. Plus, all of the material contained within the piece is suitable for any and all organizational levels, from new hires to board of directors executives. Just let us know who the audience is and what the learning objectives are, and we will customize accordingly at no additional charge.


Although “The Shackleton Experience” stands alone as an extraordinary piece of leadership theatre and as a compelling interactive learning seminar, we invite you to consider the following affordable options in order to help you achieve maximum impact and therefore maximum results:

Scott Eck
Scott Eck
Mark Lang
Mark E. Lang


Leadership Masters co-founders Scott Eck and Mark E. Lang deliver a compelling and challenge-filled keynote presentation entitled “First and Last: Winning in the Last Place on Earth” The presentation examines the contrasting strategies and leadership styles of three very different men: Sir Ernest Shackleton, Captain Robert Falcon Scott and Captain Roald Amundsen. Although their goal was a common one: to be the first man standing at the last place on earth, their individual philosophies and success strategies were vastly different.

Mr. Eck and Mr. Lang intermittently take on the roles of Shackleton, Scott, and Amundsen in order to bring to life the contrasting energies and perspectives of these three dynamic and enigmatic leaders. Combined with the extraordinary photography of Herbert Ponting (Scott’s polar photographer), Sverre Hassel (Amundsen’s) and Frank Hurley (Shackleton’s), we discover that the competition between the three men extended even to the photographs and moving picture accounts of their expeditions.

All of the inspiring greatness and all of the doubts and fears of these three extraordinary leaders are examined in this thoroughly entertaining and memorable keynote presentation. Additional costs: $4000 USD.


No-Win Scenario workshopThis three or four hour interactive workshop is all about managing a situation that, on the surface, cannot possibly have a positive outcome. It is a fantastic voyage into beliefs, fear character, and courage. Your group is divided into three teams. Each team is given a scenario that contains immense pressure due to a problem of enormous consequences. However, there is absolutely no solution. No way to win. Student leaders then manage those three situations according to agreed-upon team strategy in real-time, along with our actor-facilitators, and do their best to bring about ANY positive outcome. This is real pressure in real time. An absolutely remarkable exercise that perfectly reflects the no-win scenario faced by Shackleton and his team. Additional costs: $4500 USD



Limitless Possibilities workshopWe guarantee that “Limitless Possibilities” will be one of the most powerful and inspirational three-hour leadership/ teambuilding events that you will ever experience. It may very well also be the most frightening. We divide your group into teams of seven or eight, give them each a box full of musical instruments, and then prepare them, through expert coaching and solid strategies, for the music video competition of their lives. Participants, like the members of Shackleton’s team, find themselves squarely out of their comfort zones and staring not only into the abyss of fear, but also at a galaxy of possibility, success, and achievement. The result is hilarity, memories, stories, and an invaluable knowledge that when the culture is right and the courage is high, anything is possible. Additional cost: $4500 USD


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